Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The reintroduction

When my girlfriend decided to construct a scrap book, I suggested to her that it would be a good idea to continue to blog as well. Scrap books commemorate experiences- when, where and who. However, blogs provide a space where people can write down their opinions, and feelings about various subjects and topics. It is characteristic of people to change their opinions, and feelings. My hope is that, over time, my girlfriend and I will continually blog about particular issues we believe in, share them to the world, and then at a later date look back on some of our writings to see how much we have changed mentally, and emotionally.

1 comment:

xoxo ~ Dr. Mac said...

Too much to put in the "About Me" section-- Well it wouldn't be right if I didn't introduce myself! I am Chastity. The poet, the free spirit, the thinker, the good girl (and the sorority girl all at once). Whether you know me well or not, you'll find that I am often quiet. But when I am most quiet, I have the most on my mind. So listen, because when I speak, it is of substance... Unless I'm just clowning around. I've never blogged before, so lets see how this goes!