Tuesday, April 20, 2010

In an attempt to make homework interesting

Meet Ariwajoye I, oba(king) of the Igbomina Yoruba. Lets check out his garb, which represents his sacred nature and DIVINITY. Further, as an Oba and descendent of Oduduwa, he is not to be seen. The crown is made of wickerwood cone covered with stiff farbic or canvas- (What's that?) attached are trade beads. Also on the crown are three(all seeing) abstracted faces, representative of the unity between the king and his royal ancestors. Between the faces are birds. The top bird is the egret, the bird of decorum. The other represents "Our Mothers," ancestral female deities the king must learn to control in order to rule. The crown gives him ashe (power). The cushion stole is for his feet that cannot touch the floor.

1 comment:

xoxo ~ Dr. Mac said...

Divinity, huh? What is the religion of his followers? Do they see him as God or like-God?
That feet not touching the floor thing is pretty interesting. But what's the deal with having to control the female deities!