Tuesday, April 27, 2010

If this sounds too cheesy, it's because he's my macaroni :)

I don't know. Maybe this post is cheesy. But I'm the poet, the romantic, the one that believes that you don't have to be a princess in distress to have a fairytale-like ending. And I'm also the one with the incredibly fragile heart. So when a person like myself finds someone like Jamil, her heart sings. And he's told me he hates cliches. And, in a way, I agree. Because saying that after three years my heart still races when I smell his cologne, or that he runs through my mind every hour of the day does my feelings no justice. But then again, when there are no words to explain perfection, "perfection" alone falls short. And "I love you" only touches on how I feel for him. So all I am left with is a cliche or two, hoping you understand the meaning behind it.
I've found someone that loves me for me. That has my best interest at heart. His toughness gives way to sensitivity when I need a shoulder to cry on. I am not afraid to be silly, afraid, to cry, express fear, anger, hurt, or anything else I may hide from every one else. Because he's there to bring me back to my original state of happiness, with a joke. A kiss. Open arms. Or just a glance that lets me know everything is going to be okay.
We don't have it all. Money, cars, or anything over the top. But I'm living off love as my dad teases (again with the cliches). He's my drug. My addiction. Satisfying my seemingly insatiable appetite, he's just enough.
All I can do is try to be for him what he is for me.