Monday, June 21, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I Cry

Can I cry? Just this once?
Without the world judging me?
Can I let my voice wail to the Heavens
The saddest song a soul can sing?
Because talking it over doesn't work
My point doesn't seem to be getting through
And while yelling is relieving
I never mean to disrespect you
I've tried writing it all down
-My troubles, my pain, my fears
But this poetry doesn't speak in the intended volume
Because they have yet to reach your ears
So let me cry.
Because all this time I've been inhaling, ready to explode

I've been sucking up all the names I've been called
The shit that I've been through
I suck up all of my emotions
And, in one exhale, Lord, I cry to You!
Because at the end of the day
You have felt my pain
And I know you've been patiently waiting
For me to call on your name
I put my trust in man
And he's failed me more times than not
But through the weakness of their spirits
I see you standing. My rock.
You're my salvation. So save me!
I can't do it alone, believe me I've tried
You are strong when I am weak
You offer a shoulder should I need to cry
And so I cry.
I cry.
I cry.

CC McFarlan